Saturday, September 15, 2007

Studio Final: Building Services

1. Mechanical Systems Description:
Passive heating and cooling will not be adequate to control the needs of the building. Additionally, the climate is somewhat humid and not suited for certain alternative methods that involve dry outside air. Therefore, the building employs the most effective passive solutions in combination with active green systems.
The building uses a combination of radiant hydronic heating and cooling that is contained in ceiling mounted panels and a natural ventilation system called Dedicated Outside Air System. Some of the advantages of this system include: Reduced chiller, condenser pump, and air handler size, reduced ductwork size and cross section, reduced electrical service during peak usage hours. The ventilation system provides 100% fresh air in lower quantities than required by air driven systems. The system regulates the flow of chilled or heated water by sensing room temperature and monitoring dew point. The thermal mass of the concrete slabs adjacent to curtain wall will naturally prevent large temperature swings and will work nicely in combination with the hydronic system.
2. Annotated Environmental Systems Plans.
Section to Follow in another Post. Rainwater collection to be included with site plan.
Roof Plan
Third Floor (Fourth and Fifth Floors similar.)

Second Floor

First Floor


1 comment:

werner said...

Anne, nice work. I like your gentle, moderate approach. Please make sure you also draw a transverse section to show (to yourself) how all the roofs, air intakes and distribution of conditioned air works in section.